Friday, April 15, 2011

Quick Update

It seems like it would be easy to sit down for a few minutes each day to blog. Not so much. I'm trying, I promise. While I am typing this, the girls are fighting over whose waffles are whose. Joy! Yes, it starts this early in the morning. hehe No, really, for the most part they get along very well. They love each other and love playing together.
A lot has been going on lately. Exciting, sad, and all in between. I feel like I've been on an emotional rollercoaster, but you know what? It's okay, right? I am pregnant.
I cannot believe how quickly the weeks are going by. Wasn't it just Friday, LAST week? Geez, you would think waiting on a little one would make time pass slowly... Nope! It's speeding by. Just a few more weeks and I am sure my days will be even more of a blur. I haven't started getting anxious or nervous about the delivery (c-section) yet. I think I owe that to prayers and faith.
Anyways, today we have plans to go get lunch with one of my good friends and her son. Should be fun. A nice change from sitting home all day. Gary spread ant killer last night after he cut the grass, so now our yard should be up to the girls' bug-free standards. We can enjoy the beautiful weather... until the rain comes this afternoon. Tomorrow, if it is nice, we have an Easter egg hunt at my s-i-l's house. Too bad Gary has to work. :( Then Sunday, Gary and I get to have a date night... Not too many more of those until we are caring for a teeny, tiny baby again! We will enjoy it. I am sure there will be another one at the beginning of May, because.... the next Fast and Furious comes out the end of this month! Hooray! :)
Well, I have been trying to upload a picture to show you guys. Guess I will have to add it in here later on when I have more time. I painted wood letters to match Noah's bedding and they came super cute! I am not artistic at all, but I am proud of these. They came great! I will share a picture later. I am sure that pictures of the girls' letters will shortly follow because they have informed me that they need letters too. :) Of course! :)
I guess I had better go get the day started. Check back for more later. (and pictures)

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